About Us
Akuntan Indonesia
Akuntan Indonesia – Accounting & Tax Consultant
KJA ASHADI & PARTNERS are part of the BMG Consulting Group consulting company and were established in 2015 and have obtained permission from the Ministry of Finance KMK No. 84 / KM.1 / PPPK / 2015, November 17, 2015. In running its business KJA Ashadi & Partners provide consulting services in the fields of accounting, taxation, management and training.
Currently KJA Ashadi & Partners are led by several professionals who are very experienced for 20 years in the fields of accounting, taxation, management, information technology and training.
Our Consultants
Ikhwan Ashadi, SE., Ak., MM. MAk, CA
Tatto Sugiopranoto, MBA
Han Han Heruman, SE., BKP
Rudi Kurniawan, SE., Ak, CA, ACPA.
Pramono, SE, Ak
Askur Wahyudi, SE., MM
Yudhistira Nugraha, SE., AK., CA, BKP., ASA
Erfin Hadiwaluyo, SE., BKP
Why Us?
Why use our services as your company’s accounting, tax and management solution?
Legality Aspect
The Accountant Services Office has an official legal umbrella that is recognized by the government and the Professional Accountants Association (Indonesian Institute of Accountants – IAI)
Standards and Quality Aspects
Have a quality control system established by the Professional Association of Accountants as a control tool in maintaining the quality of accounting services.
Led and managed by a state-registered accountant who maintained his competence and professionalism.
Integrity Aspect
The Accountant Services Office upholds the code of ethics and professional standards set by the Professional Association of Accountants in providing services to clients / service users.
Supervision and Guidance Aspects
Fostered and supervised by the Center for Professional Development of the Indonesian Ministry of Accountants and the Professional Association of Accountants (Indonesian Institute of Accountants – IAI) in order to improve the professionalism and compliance of accountants.